4 Lessons Learned From Writing a Book That You Can Apply To Your Sales or Business
4 Lessons Learned From Writing a Book That You Can Apply To Your Sales or Business
This past week as many of you know, I launched my book Raise Your Standards: The Definitive Guide to Building Seven-Figure Sales.
The launch was awesome, exhausting, and tons of fun all rolled into one. As I reflect back on the past year and a half it took me to write, edit, and launch this book I’ve come up with 4 business lessons I wanted to share with you so you can apply it to your business and sales.
Let’s dive in…
Start with the end in mind.
Whether in sales or in business, start with what your end goal is. Whether that’s selling $3M in products, open 3 new locations, get on the cover of Forbes...whatever your goal is, start with the end in mind.
I made this mistake early in the book writing process.
I just started writing, big rookie mistake, much of which I had to redo since it didn’t time into the other parts of the book. If I just would have started with the end in mind, I could have formed a better outline, saving me tens of hours, lots of frustration and plenty of money.
The only way to get better at writing is to write.
Yea, I know...not the world’s most shocking revelation. But let me cut straight to the chase for you.
So many salespeople and entrepreneurs I know what to magically become better at sales, starting a business, and marketing. Everyone’s looking for a quick fix, the easy hack, and the 7-word answer to magically get them better at fill in the blank.
If you want to get better at anything (writing included) you have to do that which you want to be better at.
There are no shortcuts to writing a book, and there are no shortcuts to getting great at anything in life or business.
Get feedback.
When I first started this book back in March of 2018, I was petrified to let anyone read it, or give me any help...this included my wife/editor. I’d type for days and days in a vacuum not letting anyone see my earliest chapters...big mistake.
I wasted so much time. Some of my early chapters were O.K. (that’s generous) but 97% of them needed lots of work. Deep down I knew this, but I was afraid of asking for help.
My ego got in the way, and again I could have saved tons of time if I only would have started asking for feedback sooner.
What area of your business or sales are you avoiding feedback on?
Where is your ego trying to protect you?
Where are you not growing, because you’re standing in your own way?
Just like me aimlessly writing, don’t spend your life and career alone.
Ask for feedback.
Find people that can help you.
One of the biggest “aha” moments during this entire process was when I had my first meeting with my publisher, Scribe Media.
Up until that point, I spent countless hours reading blog posts and articles on how to properly publish my novel. Even with all of this reading, the task of self-publishing seemed like scaling Everest.
Then I stumbled upon Scribe, had my first call, and it all became clear!
They laid out in detail and clarity the exact process for taking me from hunting and pecking on my keyboard to being a self-published author.
There are pros that can help you. They’re just waiting for you to reach out and be of use.
They’re better at whatever task you’re trying to accomplish than you are. Plus, they get immense pleasure in helping you achieve your goal.
Use these people. Don’t be an island.
Ask for help.
Even if it costs money.
There you go. Four lessons that can be applied to your sales and business. Let me know which one you plan on using this week.