What Do You Control?

Let’s face it, people are challenging.

I had a former boss that would always say...if it weren’t for the customers or the employees business would be great!

Kind of funny, kind of true.

I’m sure we’ve all had days where we *facepalm* and smack about how someone could have done that stupid action or made that dumb decision.

I’ve been there.

Running a business and being in sales is a master’s level crash course in human nature.

Prospects will be no-shows on sales calls.

A new team member might ace job interviews only to quit after a few weeks.

A long-time team member might abruptly quit and head off on a new adventure.

Customers will cancel, refund, go missing, and call you “hitting the panic button” about a minor issue with the product you sold.

Your best customer will up and leave for no apparent reason.

You know what...it’s going to be ok. ;)

This is how the world works. This how life works. This is how business works. This is how sales work.

It is not a reflection on you, your personality, or product.

This is what people do.

Stop taking it so damn personal.

Grow-up Peter Pan...this world doesn’t start and stop at your convenience.

I have a client that runs a business and it’s a soul-crushing fallout for his heart every time someone drops out or puts membership on hold...It’s holding his company back.

It’s holding him back from a better life.

But it shouldn't because that's just life.

If we let each "rejection" run us through an emotional ringer, we're screwed...for life.

If we pass this habit to our children...we’re only setting them up for failure too. That’s not fair.

Think of all the negative energy lost on worry, frustration, anger, “plotting and scheming revenge”, etc.

Trust me, I know this feeling more than most and maybe you know the type...

None of it does any good.

Instead, we must be emotionally resilient and antifragile - getting better, and harder in the face of adversity.

We must as David Goggins says “build a calloused mind.”

How do you do that?

By putting yourself back into the fray of these trying situations.

By not throwing in the towel.

By not taking it personally.

By not reacting.

By taking back the power of your own mind, and not raffling it off to the individual or company of your negative thoughts and trials.

If you want to move forward in business and in life you must stop holding on to things.

You can’t scale a ladder by holding onto the last rung.

Open your heart and let it go.

Let it all go.

It’s as simple as that.

You can’t control other people.

So control what you can (your thoughts, words, and deeds) and concentrate on what counts.

Mark Evans